Thursday, September 3, 2020

Heypih Free Essays

string(127) themes in this unit, what do you consider to be H’s uncommon and matchless key ability/sis? Clarify your answer. Sharpens and Mauritius, or likewise referred to for short as HM, is a major billion dollar Swedish style organization which takes part in structuring and retailing design items from beauty care products, outwear and adornments for men, ladies and kids. Working everywhere throughout the globe, all through 43 nations with 2206 stores, there are different key issues which HM need to deliver to stay with the pushing ahead and increment the market. HM has a huge global officeholders including Ezra being its most critical rival. We will compose a custom article test on Heypih or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Ezra has not been around for close to as long as HM and it is as of now being viewed as a ‘serious challenge’ which makes HM addresses the maintainability of the current equation. Utilizing key administration themes we can additionally examine this issue. To start the PASTEL Framework can be utilized comparable to key administration and HM. By utilizing PASTEL we can classes natural variables into explicit key sorts, which are political, financial, social, mechanical, biological and legitimate. These will assist us with explaining that natural variables don't Just spin around monetary powers however different powers which have been referenced and all are intuitive with each other. Legislative issues are powers both all through the globe and in explicit gatherings inside zones which impact certain conduct and responses. These impacts can emerge out of different political developments and concerned media. For instance HM in the past opened up a store in Israel’s Jerusalem Malta Shopping Mall which is worked in a past Palestinian town of al-Malta. Since this town has been ethnically scrubbed and made those occupants be alluded to as exiles in their own property. This occurred all through the 1948 Naked and caused overall dissent by initiates at H stores. Each one of those fights going on around the globe gave a ton of negative notoriety and unneeded regard for H. Despite the fact that the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm accepted that opening the store in Israel would help tit ‘peace procedures and profits’ to H †it despite everything didn't influence the sentiments of those fighting nor did it change the manner in which H took care of the current circumstance. Rather H chose not to see a huge human rights infringement and dismissed totally what was going on and this made activists start the overall methodology of activity Boycott. Something comparable happened in the past with an alternate attire brand named Mummy, yet they didn't finish their stores in Israel and till today won't open a store until the politically-sanctioned racial segregation framework is gotten off. Also, regarding Section C, Article 3 of the Responsibilities of exchange companies and different business endeavors (2003) H is really breaking the guidelines. It expresses that â€Å"Business endeavors will not participate in nor advantage from atrocities, wrongdoings against humanity†¦ Other infringement of compassionate law and other universal violations against the human individual as characterized by global law, specifically human rights and philanthropic law’ Ecological elements in PASTEL structure is whatever falls under natural issues which is unquestionably something applicable to HM. HM creates an exceptional assortment named the ‘conscious collection† utilizing just maintainable materials. As referenced on their site they are attempting to push for style for what's to come. With these responsibilities come seven guarantees likewise expressed on their site. Give design to cognizant clients Choose and prize mindful accomplices Be moral Be atmosphere savvy Reduce, reuse, reuse Use characteristic assets capably Strengthen people group Under the PASTEL structure, innovative is any impacts that H utilizes for their material. On account of these, H was positioned number 21 out of 100 for the most mark worldwide brands as per entomb brand in 2011, with a brand estimation of 16. Billion dollars. In examination with close contender Ezra positioned in at number 44 with 8 billion dollars’ worth of brand esteem. This gigantic contrast can somewhat be credited to HM’s long haul promoting efforts with prominent VIPs. So as to upgrade the estimation of its image name, H spends around 5% of its income on publicizing. H has likewise settled a solid internet based life near ness. The organization means to turn out to be a piece of its customer’s every day lives through its pages on Backbone, Twitter, Instating, Google+ and Youth just as the Chinese web based life systems Yuk and Sins Webb. Through these systems adherents share thoughts and feelings and find fast solutions to their inquiries. This is significant during the current day and ages were individuals would prefer not to sit tight for a really long time. Additionally new style recordings and catwalks are continually transferred to Youth with a large number of perspectives. The App for utilizes is likewise new which offers the most recent assortment and battles and discover what's going on. Corresponding to vital administration it’s imperative to take note of the Five Forces Framework hen deciding the serious powers. On the off chance that an industry has low seriousness, at that point there will be a normal significant level of benefit then in contrast with an industry with high intensity. H has elevated level of intensity with Ezra along these lines their overall revenue is close for an enormous scope. By utilizing Porters Five Forces Framework we can quantify 1) danger of passage 2) danger of substitutes 3) intensity of purchasers 4) intensity of providers 5) degree of contention between contenders. With respect to contenders and contention, the serious opponent for H is Ezra and a substitute would be some place like Target/Smart. Ezra would be an extremely predominant association to H with its items being fundamentally the same as. A low separation between organizations is likewise an issue as both are thought to be comparable when spoken about with buyers. The danger of passage works in H’s advantage as they have various items which Ezra doesn't offer †for instance the cognizant assortment. The danger of replacement is a major one for this industry as Ezra and HM are firmly sewn. Right off the bat being value/execution apportions. Sara’s items are somewhat more significant expenses than H however by and large the costs/execution proportion is exceptionally close. SQ. Drawing on pertinent themes in this unit, what do you consider to be H’s uncommon and incomparable key capacity/sister? Clarify your answer. You read Heypih in classification Papers How would you figure HM can distinguish and use or endeavor its uncommon and incomparable key ability/sister to accomplish or continue its upper hand and react to the basic issue that you have recognized in IQ? Upon research and further adding something extra to the subject I would consider the reality HM has its own range the cognizant collection’ contacting a group of people of the individuals who are have the need to assist nature with being its uncommon and matchless key abilities. H M, is an ecologically cognizant organization, which gives affordable design items around the world (43 nations) so as to satisfy the seven responsibilities to the networks. The monetary emergency was extremely solid and it might expand the enthusiasm of the populace for inexpensively chic garments. Not just has H discovered a hole in the design advertise, yet they have discovered a cutting-edge issue and had the option to arrive at it with a positive result. With all the issues around the world, H realized it expected to put its cash into the correct things to keep deals up and to likewise acquire new deals. With H having a major job in the style business, they didn’t need to go under any progressively negative investigation as this would bring a negative view of the organization. This is the place the thought ran over with the arrangement for utilizing just manageable materials for the arrival of the new range, the ‘conscious collection’. Alongside this came certain duties which included, embracing moral works on, improving working conditions and utilizing characteristic assets dependably. The choice to present the range and responsibilities was organized completely through its vital capacities as these do be able to add to a drawn out edge and furthermore an upper hand. HM followed ‘Tech’ with the three conventional kinds of dynamic abilities as this has become the norm and most regular practice in businesses. The principal point is ‘sensing where H has understood that there are new chances. No other quick design dress brand has presented a natural well disposed range right now in time so it was the ideal thought. Next point is ‘seizing is when HM supplanted the genuine hole in the market with the line. Ultimately ‘reconfiguring is fundamentally what H are continually doing with its update of the line. As new style comes all through season continually, H need to stay up with the latest. As should be obvious H has huge edge abilities which are required for an association to stay up with the latest with the prerequisites in the design advertise and with different contenders. In vital administration mentality utilizing BRIO† is imperative to increase upper hand. In any case the item which has been acquainted by HM needs with be of significant worth to the clients so it can produce higher income or lower expenses to the business. So in this occurrence this item hadn’t been acquainted with the quick design oral so its estimation is very and energizing for the business. Along these lines HM with this item has made the most of its chances and dangers, comprehends its incentive to clients and thought about the expense. Next is the need of the item to have irregularity. On the off chance that an item is presented which is important yet normal all through different contenders, at that point it’s far-fetched it

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Use of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle Essays

Utilization of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle Essays Utilization of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle Paper Utilization of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle Paper Paper Topic: Writing The primary utilization of language is that of the story language. This is utilized all through the exhibition by a character called the vocalist. Despite the fact that he is given a character name he doesn't exist all through the play other than describing. The main model is on page 9 toward the beginning of scene 2. The storyteller first says quite a long time ago which shows this is a story being told in a past tense. The storyteller puts things in place for the Governor and his better half His name was Georgi Abashvilli. The scene is then set educating us regarding the transformation, which is occurring right now. He reveals to us this by alluding to passings a period of slaughter. He at that point lays everything out of the Governors past way of life before the upset. We realize he is depicting before the insurgency as he says sometime in the distant past after each sentence. I accept this is described by a vocalist since Brecht utilizes strategies which let the crowd realize that they are on-screen characters in a job thus the crowd don't accept the characters are genuine. He does this as he thinks acting is recounting to a story and that the crowd must know this. He does this effectively with the storyteller. This is a Brectian method which identifies with estrangement. This method likewise gives the crowd opportunity to become basic themselves of the presentation and choose what the characters are feeling. The artist is a serious uproarious, over the top misrepresented character and shows this through the style of acting utilized. Brecht frequently utilizes overstated attributes (the visitor) as a component of his style of composing. In this utilization of language Brecht additionally utilizes the storyteller to utilize a facetious inquiry. This shows the storyteller is all alone and just conversing with a group of people not another character. This is full of feeling to distance as it is demonstrating that the storyteller is recounting to a story not acting. At the point when we accomplished this work for our down to earth we dressed the storyteller in plain dark garments so they didn't looked dressed as a character. We utilized the strategy of the visitor and the storyteller was misrepresented in what he said nd revealed to it like a narrator. He was stood the middle of everyone's attention and confronted the crowd. We utilized spotlight to feature him. He likewise utilized hand developments towards the crowd so they realized he was conversing with them. A second bit of language is that of Simon and Grusha. I picked this one and they use subtext and figurative language. Subtext is attempting to get across one importance however saying another which is allegorical. This is in scene 4 at the base of page 57 when Simon enters. Simon first uses subtext when he says to Grusha The entryway is still on its pivots? As is commonly said. This implies have you stayed steadfast are as yet open to me however she isn't. She at that point replays my name is no longer when it was. Simon doesnt see then she answers When do ladies change their names Simon? which shows she can not disclose to him straight. She attempts to clarify she is unfaithful by name however not in bed yet Simon neglects to get this and afterward observes Michael. Grusha then says How might I be able to conceal it? like it is her youngster and she says this like she was lying and it is hers however in a similar sentence she says dont let it stress you it isn't mine. This is acted by the character in a befuddled manner. It isn't effortlessly comprehended by the crowd so is assisted with being comprehended by the storyteller who from time to time recounts to the story. Another utilization of allegorical language, or adages, that are utilized toward the finish of the play among Azdak and Simon when they are contending. At the point when the pony was shod, the horsefly loosened up his leg. Which implies when the pony has another shoe, the horsefly loosens up his leg for one to. This, to the story, implies that the poor take from the rich. Azdak then answers Better a fortune in the sewer than a stone in the mountain stream. This implies the governors spouse might be lying however he trusts it is smarter to pay for equity than equity itself. They at that point have a figurative contention as though to contend they are attempting to substantiate themselves. At the point when we played out this piece, the entertainers utilized snide voices to show that it was figurative and implied something different. A third bit of language is the monolog which Grusha uses to converse with Michael. Right off the bat she sings to Michael which shows the Brectian procedure of estrangement again as in a true the entertainers would not sing this way. She sings about Simon as it is alluded to the fights. She says She at that point says dont hurl yourself in at the bleeding edge. This is alluded to Simon Chachava as she needs him to get back home to her. She at that point says gives tips of how she needs Simon to battle so he gets back home to he in front is red fire, in the back is red smoke, stay carefully in the middle of, as the initial ones consistently bite the dust and the last ones are likewise hit, those in the inside return home. She at that point converses with Michael in a monolog. In this monolog she says to Michael that they much make themselves tiny, similar to cockroaches. This is a representation to how she feels as she feels little and needs to get away from the way that the sister-in-law doesn't need her there. She at that point advises Michael not to cry in light of the virus as being poor and cold too puts individuals off. She says this as she doesnt need to look poor and needs to be regarded as an individual with a youngster without being scrutinized constantly.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Crash Movie Review

Confusion The 2004 film Crash, coordinated by Paul Haggis, is a similarity of how our general public is today. It shows people’s activities during their day by day lives. There is a disengagement between each individual and that is the thing that makes every person what their identity is. One method of delineating every individual is through their activities, choices, and the manner in which they manage individuals. All through the film despise wrongdoing and detest discourse was caught in the film Crash through a few characters. The one which I could without much of a stretch recognize was with the Persian family, Farhad the spouse, Shareen the wife, and the little girl Dorri.Several episodes happened that could be depicted as a general rule. The privately-run company store was robed at weapon point and to keep the episode from happening once more, the family chose to buy a firearm for insurance. Security of a firearm was the main way that Farhad could have a sense of securit y. Regularly individuals believe that having a weapon is the best way to not be hurt and the film difficulties that recognition. Buying the firearm was troublesome on the grounds that Farhad was from the Middle East. Dirk, the weapon proprietor, gave the family trouble when he denied them the option to buy the gun.I accept the firearm merchant had the attitude that the Persians were Arabian and that they were arranging a terroristic assault. After the 911 assault in the public eye, most Americans judge anyone with Arabian attributes as the â€Å"evil† individuals. They feel that they are in America for one reason and that is to cause dread. The store was vandalized and spray painting of the nationality Arab was erroneously (the family is Persian) drawn on the mass of Farhad’s store. The family was casualties of despise wrongdoing and detest discourse with no equity; they were being assaulted in light of suspicions of being Arabian.The judgment on the family’s et hnicity is something that continually happens around America. By and by, my family is Haitian and they speak Creole, since my family looks African American however communicate in another dialect, a few people effectively accept that they are African. My family has a highlight and there were times when we would go to stores and individuals of different races would affront my family and advise them to return to Africa since they couldn't comprehend what they were stating. My family had a few circumstances where they needed to leave a store an eatery in view of being an alternate ethnicity.Throughout the film, one would feel that Farhad would have better treatment toward others due to how others treat him and his family, however he shows a similar treatment given to him, to other people. After the store was vandalized, the retailer called a locksmith by the name of Daniel to fix the lock. The lock was fixed, yet it was the entryway that should have been supplanted and Daniel educated F arhad of this. The cool unforgiving medications of others cause Farhad to treat others the equivalent way.He gets hostile and affronts the repairman since he feels that the repairman is attempting to scam him. Daniel continually disclosed to Farhad that the entryway should have been supplanted and Farhad didn't mull over his words. Farhad offended him and the repairman was irate to such an extent that he left without getting paid for his work. The entryway not being fixed caused Farhad to have greater hostility to individuals outside his race. Beside indicating the ill will of outsiders, this film likewise shows that Americans are not well disposed individuals and abuse outsiders who come to America for a superior life.The Persian family has their own store and it was their most prized ownership in America. The youngsters despised them so much that they broke into their store and vandalized it. The vandalized store caused Farhad to accuse the repairman. At whatever point there is is sue, individuals appear to never take responsibility for their activities and accuse others before accusing themselves. Farhad charged the repairman for being to blame for the obliterations of his store and attempted to get his protection to cover the damages.The protection couldn't repay Farhad for the harms of his store on the grounds that the repairman disclosed to Farhad that the entryway should have been supplanted. In this manner, Farahad chose to get equity all alone. He needed to fight back and he recognized the street number of the locksmith and looked out for him to return home from work. Farhad saw the locksmith approach his home so Farhad strolled toward him and pointed a weapon at him. The Daniel’s little girl, Laura, saw the quarrel, ran and bounced up on her dad to give him an embrace and shield him from getting shot.Farhad pulls the trigger and nothing happens to the young lady. Farhad’s choice was childish; he was too worried about his shop and didn't understand that slaughtering a person was not the correct choice. Being that the retailer, Farhad, is a foreigner, he was loathed by Americans and it made him despise different nationalities also. He needed equity and he felt that the main way he can get it was by coordinating the contempt of his, with the scorn of his ethnicity, from others. The individuals who vandalized Farhad’s store were careless and didn't acknowledge diversity.Farhad’s was worn out on being despised as a result of his ethnicity, so he chose to make a move. He was abused and he needed the abuse to stop, he needed to fight back and make Daniel pay for the vandalism of his store. Individuals in our general public frequently feel that the main way that they can rest easy thinking about an individual or circumstance is on the off chance that they settle it through battling or murdering. These contentions are settled by negative choices of violations and harmful words as a result of being diverse in a general public. There should be more harmony and less viciousness on the planet and the film Crash epitomizes why.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Employee Job Performance in UTC Aerospace System Singapore - 275 Words

Employee Job Performance in UTC Aerospace System Singapore (Dissertation Review Sample) Content: FACTORS AFFECTING MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE JOB PERFORMANCE IN UTC AEROSPACE SYSTEM SINGAPORE1. IntroductionOne primary resource of an organization, which is vital to the success of the organization, is its employees (Ali and Ahmad,2009). Employee motivation is considered an important factor affecting the job performance of employees (Yurtseven and Halici, 2012). Hence, understanding the various factors that affect the employee motivation in an organization and their effects on the job performance of employees remains very relevant. Given this background, the existing studies on the factors affecting the employee motivation and their effects on the job performance of the employees are critically reviewed here. The concepts and terms are defined here as well as the theoretical and empirical studies are critically reviewed.2. Literature Review2.1. Terms and Concepts2.1.1.Motivation Motivation is defined as the influential processes that characterize the intensity, dir ection and persistence of the efforts of an individual for the attainment of a goal (Ramlall, 2004). Here, intensity is defined as the amount of hard work of the employees. Direction is defined as the efforts' quality towards the organizational benefits. Persistence is defined as the time for which the employee can keep on doing his/her efforts. 2.1.2.Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation and Job Performance There are two types of motivation namely intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Ryan and Deci, 2000). Intrinsic motivation is defined as the motivation inside the individual itself, not dependent on any external factor (Ramlall, 2004). Examples of factors affecting the intrinsic motivation are responsibility, chances for proving skills and competences of an individual, advancement opportunities etc. It is derived from the enjoyment of the task itself by the individual (Deci et al, 1999). Extrinsic motivation is defined as the motivation arising from external factors like rewar ds, punishment threats and coercion (Deci et al, 1999).2.2. Theories of Motivation and Empirical evidence for the Theories2.2.1. Content and Process TheoriesThere are two types of motivation theories namely content theories and process theories (Van and Thierry,1996). The focus of content theories is the internal factors of an individual, which drive the behavior of the individuals (Ryan and Deci, 2000). Based on these theories, the internal factors motivate individuals for action in achieving the satisfaction of fulfilling their needs (Van and Thierry, 1996). The most important content theories are hierarchy of needs by Maslow, Erg theory, motivator hygiene theory and learned needs theory (Van and Thierry, 1996). Process theories explain motivation based on the decision processes of individuals, which are conscious (Tien, 2000). The theoretical foundations of these theories are from the cognitive theories in psychology. The main process theories are expectancy theory, equity th eory, goal setting theory and reinforcement theory (Tien, 2000). Each of the content and process theories is explained in detail in the sections below.2.2.2. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs TheoryAccording to the hierarchy of needs developed by Maslow (1943), the needs of individuals lie in a hierarchy, which consists of basic, and growth needs ( Osterloh et al,2002). Basic needs are again categorized into physiological and safety needs while growth needs are those for love and belonging need, self esteem, understanding and knowledge as well as aesthetics and self actualization (Durmaz et al, 2011). Based on the hierarchy concept, the basic needs have to be satisfied first before moving into the satisfaction of growth needs (Durmaz et al, 2011). However, there is very little empirical support for this theory ( Saeed et al, 2013).2.2.3. Erg Theory Erg theory, which is an extension of the Hierarchy of needs theory, categorizes the individual needs into existence, relatedness and growth (Ryan and Deci, 2000). The basic needs need not be necessarily satisfied for moving into the upper level needs to become motivational, based on this theory (Ryan and Deci, 2000).2.2.4. Motivation Hygiene TheoryBased on the motivation hygiene theory developed by Herzberg et al ( 1959 ), the lower level needs satisfaction need not necessarily motivate the individuals for work but only help in the dissatisfaction prevention while higher level needs satisfaction are required for motivating them. Thus, the first group of factors are called hygiene factors which include salary, job security, differences with others, management quality, policies etc while the second group of factors are called motivation factors which include the satisfaction obtained from the job itself due to the intrinsic characteristics, according to this theory. Bahaduri et al (2013) tested the Herzberg theory of motivation for 115 participants in military centre in Iran using Analytical Hierarchical pr ocess. The main factors affecting the employee motivation were obtained as job security and fairness of salary while the least important factors were obtained as policies of the organization and social relations with colleagues. Thus, the study obtained extrinsic factors as the main motivating factors and intrinsic factors as not motivating the employees, thus not accepting Herzberg's theory. However, this study is based on only one military centre and can have generalization problems.2.2.5. Learned Needs TheoryThis theory argues the needs of individuals as learnt and derived from culture ( Ramlall, 2004 ). There are three important need, based on this theory, namely need for affiliation, power and achievement, based on this theory ( Saeed et al, 2013 ). One of these needs inherent strongly in an individual can motivate him for action resulting in satisfaction, based on this theory.2.2.6. Expectancy TheoryBased on the expectancy theory, which is a major process theory of motivat ion, developed by Vroom(1964), the individual motivation is affected by three factors namely expectancy, instrumentality and valence of the outcomes regarding the behaviour. All these factors need to be high for the individual to get motivated, based on this theory( Wahba and House,1974).2.2.7.Equity TheoryThe equity theory argues the motivation level of individuals as affected by the individual perceptions about the fairness of the rewards for their efforts in comparison to the rewards of others, which are relevant ( Ramlall, 2004 ) . The basic assumption of this theory is the attempt by individuals for the perceived inequity reduction, which in turn motivates the individuals for action, leading to satisfaction ( Saeed et al, 2013 ).Muogbo(2013) examined how employee motivation affected the organizational performance for the employees for 103 employees of 17 selected manufacturing firms in Anambara state in Nigeria. The analysis was based on descriptive statistics and Spea rman rank correlation coefficient. The findings showed significant effects of extrinsic motivations especially the fairness of rewards on the job performance thus supporting the equity theory of motivation. However, the effects of motivation on job performance cannot be completely understood by descriptive statistics and rank correlation .A multivariate regression analysis needs to be done in this regard for understanding the effects completely. Moreover, there are many factors other than the employee motivation, that can affect the job performance. The effects of these factors on the job performance needs to be separated from the motivation factors, which can give more fruitful results. 2.2.8. Goal Setting TheoryThis theory argues the main factors affecting motivation as the goals of the employees ( Ryan and Deci, 2000 ). Thus, specific or challenging goals motivate the individuals more than the goals, which are easy to attain, based on this theory. Two factors namely commitment and self efficacy moderate the relationship between goals and motivation, according to this theory ( Ryanand Deci,2000).2.2.9. Reinforcement TheoryBased on this theory, neither needs or processes determine the individual motivation, while the behavioral consequences motivate the individuals for action ( Ramlall, 2004 ). Thus, the consequences of behaviors act as motivations for the individuals, which, in turn, makes them to do the work again, based on this theory ( Saeed et al, 2013 ). However, the behavior, which is rewarded, will only repeat, based on this theory. The above review thus shows that there is no single theory which can completely examine the factors affecting the individual motivation.2.3.Empirical Studies2.3.1.Intrinsic and Extrinsic FactorsKea (2008) examined the various demographic, intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting the motivation of 538 engineers in NASA using questionnaire based primary research. The results based on hierarchical regression analys is showed the demographic factors like age and both the intrinsic factors like feedback and competence as well as extrinsic factors like the behavior of supervisors, benefits, rewards and competitions significantly affecting the motivation of the employees studied. However, this study is focused on only NASA and can have generalization problems, when applied to other organizations in different countries. In the study by Saeed et al (2013), the effects of the factors namely financial rewards, attitude of the manager, personal problems, organizational culture and job content on the performance of the banking sector employees in Pakistan were examined . The study was done for 200 employees in Sahwal banks using multivariate regression analysis. The study showed positive and significant effects of all the variables except that of the personal problems, which show significant negative ...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Working Memory and Its Benefits Essay - 2434 Words

What makes our everyday life very simple? What helps us to know what is happening now, what we are thinking now and what we are doing now? We are aware of the present moment or any changes in this moment, and this ability helps us in functioning effectively to face immediate environmental changes in our everyday life. This ability is called the Working Memory. The term working memory was coined by Miller, Galanter, and Pribram in 1960 (Baddeley, 2003). It refers to the temporary storage in the brain for manipulation of necessary information to execute cognitive tasks. According to Baddeley and Hitch’s study (1974), working memory comprises three main components, a control system, the central executive and two storage systems, the†¦show more content†¦During their study, these researchers found that blind participants performed higher than the sighted control group in a number of auditory, tactile and olfactory tasks ranging from basic sensory up to higher levels of co gnitive tasks. According to a study by Muchnik, Efrati, Nemeth, Malin and Hildesheimer (1991) found that blind participants outperformed sighted participants in auditory tasks. Similar results were noted by Alary, Duquette, Goldstein, Elaine, Voss, Buissonniere-Ariza and Lepore (2009) for tactile tasks. Other researchers also found similar results for olfactory perceptual discrimination (Cuevas, Plaza, Rombaux, Volder Renier, 2009), auditory localization (Lessard, Pare, Lepore and Lassonde, 1998), speech perception (Muchnik et. al, 1991), temporal perception (Muchnik et. al, 1991), voice processing (Klinge, RÃ" §der Bà ¼chel, 2010b) and short term (Bliss, Kujala Hamalinen, 2004) -long term memory tasks(Amedi, Raz, Pianka, Malach Zohary, 2003). These researches were done to understand intramodal plasticity and intermodal plasticity. The understanding of these modal will help in explaining how different neural mechanisms contribute to behavioral compensation including changes within the intact modality systems and changes that cross modality boundaries. For example, a study by Matteau, Kupers, Ricciardi, Pietrini and Ptito (2010) observed that visual deprivation can lead to higherShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Video Training On Brain Training Essay1521 Words   |  7 Pagesbrain training while normal people are looking towards brain training as a way to improve their performance and get a leg up on the competition in school, work, and life. Up until recently, it was believed that the brain was unchangeable in terms of memory capacity. Researchers were well aware of the fact that the brain is capable of changing and forming new connections when brain damage occurs. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of George Orwell s 1984 - 1029 Words

Imagine a world where everything you knew had to be forgotten, and you knew nothing more then what was being told to you. In George Orwell’s book 1984 this is exactly the case. Winston Smith, a middle aged man, lives a life already planned for him. Smith works at the Ministry of Truth rewriting the news and other articles to follow the teachings of Big Brother. Big Brother is the leader of Oceania, one of three world powers, and aims to rewrite the past to control the present. Oceania is separated into three separate castes: the Inner party, the Outer party, and the proles. Winston is part of the Outer party, or the middle class. The Inner party is the leading rich class and the proles are the lower, poorer class. While most characters follow the rules and accept the ideas of the society, others are very unorthodox. 1984, by George Orwell, has three noticeably unorthodox characters: Winston Smith, Julia, and O’ Brien. Winston Smith is a tremendously unorthodox person. He always questions the world around him, and wonders what is real and what is not real. Smith’s mind is not under the control of Big Brother, like the other citizens. Winston Smith is able to draw bits and pieces of information from his past, but it is hard for him to keep facts straight because of the facts are constantly changing: â€Å" I remember that until a week before I was arrested, we were not at war with Eastasia at all. We were in alliance with them† (Orwell 311). Smith notices that the past again hasShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984848 Words   |  4 PagesCritical Analysis In the George Orwell’s novel 1984, much of the society is watched and have no privacy of any kind. Every person in the Party is under surveillance. In effect, these people cannot live freely and independently, but it seems to be an impossible task because of of the Party surveillance, and how they limit thinking and manipulate reality. We can similarly see these concerns and their effects in today s society and the ways the novel also acts as a warning for the future. In 1984 a manRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 19841423 Words   |  6 PagesIn the novel 1984 by George Orwell, the Party has many strategies and tactics that help them have complete control of the people of Oceania. The control the Party has maintained gives them the ability to manipulate people as a result. The Party takes away the people’s freedom to have a say in their government and become their own person. They use their power to an extreme against the people rather than to help the people. The Party takes advantage of every opportunity to instill fear in the citizensRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 949 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"1984† is a story which takes place in what was then the future of England. The book illustrates a dystopian society in which a government figure named â€Å"Big Brother† rules above all. The country is surrounded by eyes so to speak, devices called â€Å"telescreens† are in houses and buildings to monitor wha t all of the citizens are doing via camera. Coupled with that is the existence of the â€Å"Thought Police† whose sole job is to monitor citizens from committing â€Å"thoughtcrime† which is essentially thinkingRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 923 Words   |  4 Pages1984, is a book written by George Orwell giving the reader a view of what a dystopian government would be like. The government of Oceania controls the lives of it’s citizens; posters of a figure known as â€Å"Big Brother† are seen all over and emphasize that he is always watching it’s citizens. The government enforces rules and regulations amongst it’s citizens, restricting them from giving their own opinion or even opposing the government. Thoughtcrime, face crime, and double think are all strictlyRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 19841450 Words   |  6 PagesThose familiar with George Orwell’s â€Å"1984† will recall that â€Å"Newspeak was de signed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought.† I recently felt the weight of this Orwellian ethos when many of my students sent emails to inform me, and perhaps warn me, that my name appears on the Professor Watchlist, a new website created by a conservative youth group known as Turning Point USA. I could sense the gravity in those email messages, a sense of relaying what is to come. The Professor Watchlist’sRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 19841377 Words   |  6 Pagesvarious types of governments, such include democracy, oligarchy, and more specifically, totalitarian. A totalitarian government gains extensive amounts of control and power over all of their people, and dominate over every aspect of their lives. George Orwell’s â€Å"1984,† conveys to its readers how the government presented totalitarianism and obtained control over their citizens. This action by the government compares to the massacre of the Holocaust, which portrayed the act of totalitarianism by aiming discriminationRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 Essay1127 Words   |  5 Pagesfirst civilizations of mankind, yet it is difficult find one that is perfect even till today. George Orwell shows an example of this within 1984. 1984 was written based on what Orwell thought the g overnment would be like in 1984. He used his personal knowledge and experience with the government to create his story. The setting of 1984 is set in a superstate where there is a totalitarian government. Within 1984 and the 21st century one major key stands out: corruption rules both governments. Trust isRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 19841026 Words   |  5 PagesIn 1984, by George Orwell violence contributed to the plot by having three stages of reintegration. The stages are to learn, understand, and to accept, Winston was forced to learn that 2+2=5 under torture, understanding that the party is good, and seeks power for its own. Winston accepts and understands the Party and Big Brother as soon as Winston wishes the burden of torture on someone else who he loves, and to learn that Big Brother is eternal and that 2+2=5, Winston then is committed and loyalRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 1122 Words   |  5 Pagesfreedom. A growing debate concerning Orwell’s 1984 relevancy is quickly on the rise. Orwell’s fear of a totalitarian society led him to write this book as he lived during the totalitarian movement in Russia. The fear of a totalitarian society spreading sparked his fear and wrote this book to make people understand that it is not benef icial to society. I feel that with the the National Security Agency in the United States, the issue and relevancy of 1984 has never been higher. The public is discoveringRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 1608 Words   |  7 Pagespossibility of intrusion that makes one ask themselves, how close is our society to becoming one where every action is monitored? How close is the idea of western civilization to becoming a police state, such as in North Korea, or the one in George Orwell’s novel, ‘1984’? North American society is drifting towards becoming a police state at an ever increasing rate. This is shown in how North Americans are slowly losing their rights, the police force acting above the law, and the monitoring of citizens

Great Expectations And Family Relations Essay Example For Students

Great Expectations And Family Relations Essay Charles Dickens remains one of the most prominent and certainly the most commercially successful literary artist of nineteenth century England. In addition, Dickens enjoyed a large readership in America. The author’s success on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean stems from his entertaining literary style and his deep respect for social values and the human condition he encountered and incorporated into his writing. Dickens was a prolific writer who drew upon his personal experiences and integrated a certain comic pathos in his writing to delight his reading audience. Dickens can be aptly termed a chronicler of English life as his novels and stories accurately reflect various societal ills and joys of both urban and suburban England. Indeed, his novels and stories continue to amuse and sadden readers of all ages today. This unit will attempt to introduce Charles Dickens and his work to middle school students. The primary focus of this unit is to examine Great Expectations as a novel rich in familial relationships. The novel will be read and studied as a myriad of interacting families, and hopefully these insights will be suitably translated to my students in such a manner as to heighten their awareness of familial relationships they encounter on a daily basis. Great Expectations will allow my students to experience glimpses of nineteenth century English family life as Dickens most capably perceived it. The questions and concerns evoked by the novel will also cause the students to reflect upon family concerns of twentieth century America. Although Dickens was one of eight children and fathered ten himself making him somewhat of a viable source concerning family relationships, the reader is cautioned not to expect only a discussion of the nuclear family from this unit but also a wide array of family-like relationships which are characteristic in Dickens’ writing. Great Expectations is a novel of hope and heartbreak, identity and intrigue. The story focuses upon a central character, Pip, who relates his adventures to the reader through Dickens’ stylistic use of the first person point of view. Pip is raised by his sister and her husband, Joe Gargery. Pip’s parents had already died and were buried in the graveyard by the marshes when we first meet him at the age of seven. The reader learns much from Dickens in the opening scenes of the story by his treatment of the family relationship which had been of primary importance to his central character. Dickens’ genius also relies on Pip’s heritage to advance the plot of the novel since Pip was visiting the graves of his father and mother when he meets the escaped convict, Abel Magwitch, who is later to become his anonymous benefactor and a character of great importance and concern to Pip and the story. Family life for young Pip was somewhat of a challenge in the Gargery household. Mrs. Joe, Pip’s sister, is considerably older than her brother and treats both him and her husband as the chief chores of her life. Mrs. Joe is dominant and condescending toward her family and very vocal about the effort she has had to expend in order to maintain it. In short, Mrs. Joe rules with an iron hand and is not against using it to discipline her much younger brother. Joe Gargery, however, is a good, honest man who is a blacksmith by trade. Joe has little say in his household and is not a character of any literate accomplishment. Joe represents the average man of nineteenth century England who toiled in a blue collar trade by day and trotted off to the local tavern by night to socialize with his friends and neighbors and to just maybe get away from his wife for a while. Joe and Pip had a lot in common and, needless to say, were best of friends. Dickens’ effective use of Joe Gargery in his story transcends far beyond the importance of his trade which is important because it presents the file Pip gives Magwitch to break his bonds and, later, the inevitable, albeit short-lived, circumstance of apprenticeship for young Pip. Joe Gargery, is Pip’s conscience throughout the novel. Joe represents purity and honesty and innocence and reminders of these qualities to Pip as he begins his ascendancy as a gentleman. Joe is Pip’s link with his past, and, as is oftentimes the result, can be a source of embarrassment and guilt for Pip even though he does nothing but live a good life and harms no one. Great Expectations is a myriad of familial situations that not only provide background for the reader but also help develop the plot and circumstances that affect our young hero, Pip. Dickens uses the thread of family to weave his story into an effective entertainment. Pip’s immediate family of Mrs. Joe and Joe Gargery merely sets the stage for the reader as to the importance that familial ties will have throughout the remainder of the novel. A central character in Great Expectations to whom Pip makes frequent visits and through whom Dickens continues his emphasis upon familial relationships is Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham lives with an adopted daughter, Estella, about whom more will be said later. Miss Havisham is a matriarchal person whose bitter attitude toward men stems from her ill-fated wedding plans many years earlier. Disappointment reigns in the Havisham household as all the clocks in the house are stopped at the precise moment that the wedding plans disintegrated. A wedding cake remains untouched but crumbling from the passage of time. Miss Havisham, herself, wears the yellowed wedding gown and moves by wheelchair from room to room never venturing to enjoy the light of day. Miss Havisham is a rich woman. Dickens makes use of this fact on several different levels each of which contributes greatly to his story. First, of course, Pip’s expectations are certainly on the rise when he is invited to play at Miss Havisham’s house. Dickens paints Miss Havisham’s family portrait as a collection of greedy relatives waiting for her demise so they can inherit her fortune. These relatives include Cousin Raymond and Camilla, Georgiana, and Sarah Pocket. Dickens’ use of these characters shows us jealousy and greed in full view as well as providing for some humorous scenes between these fortune hunters and Miss Havisham who is very well aware of their designs. The evening that Mr. Jaggers informs Pip that he is to become a gentleman thanks to the desire of an anonymous benefactor leads the reader through Pip to believe that Miss Havisham’s money is the cause of his good fortune. Pip firmly believes that his sojourn to London is the sole responsibility of the kindly old matriarch. While in London, Pip learns of Miss Havisham’s ill-fated past from Herbert Pocket. We see that her money played an important role in the episode of her impending wedding and learn that the wedding was only a part of an elaborate swindle by her suitor and her half-brother. Finally, it is Miss Havisham’s money solicited by Pip which enables Herbert Pocket to become a full partner in Mr. Clarriker’s shipping business. This totally unselfish act by Pip essentially marks his arrival into maturity and his coming of age as a gentleman. For the reader it is difficult not to admire Pip for the remainder of the story after we read of this culminating act of kindness toward his friend, Herbert. In essence, this deed erases earlier visions of Pip’s snobbery toward Joe and his background in the mind of the reader and remains the first instance of Pip performing a function through fruition in the novel. This scene, in fact, sets the tone for the rest of Dickens’ tale as all unfinished business matters are subsequently completed by the author from this moment to the end of the story. Great Expectations is a novel rich in emotions not the least of which is love. Pip’s major love interest through the story is Estella. When we first meet Estella at Miss Havisham’s she is at once very beautiful and also very cruel to our hero. Pip is smitten by Estella’s loveliness but, until the end of the novel, his love for her is largely unrequited. Pip suffers much anguish throughout the story because of this love interest since his persistence toward Estella never really gets rewarded until the last pages of the novel. Estella is a major character in Great Expectations whose importance in the novel far outweighs her appearances to the reader. Dickens effectively weaves Estella into the story through a series of cameo experiences which, for the most part, play on Pip’s mind and evoke sympathy toward him by the reader. Each time we meet Estella she will say something to Pip or perform some act of discourtesy that will send shivers up our spine and cause us to caution Pip mentally to leave her alone and to try to forget her. When we learn that Estella’s attitude is really the result of her tutelage by Miss Havisham, we may, at best, have mixed feelings about the girl. Dickens does such a superb job at painting Estella’s portrait early on in the novel that it becomes difficult for us to really have strong feelings of affection toward her. Any sympathy or sense of attraction we may feel for Estella is primarily out of respect for Pip. Estella as a love interest in Great Expectations certainly is a matter of importance throughout the story, but Dickens uses her character in other ways to effectively spin his tale. First, Estella in the Havisham household and her attitude toward men nurtured by the jilted matriarch who is so central to the novel completes Dickens’ characterization of the elderly would-be bride as a symbol of antifamily. "Cradling Wheat" By Benton EssayOne such question deals with the role of Miss Havisham who is so very central to the plot of Dickens’ tale. Although the novel is rich in familial relationships, Miss Havisham is unmarried as a result of her ill-fated affair mentioned earlier. This fact, in itself, does not make her an anti-family figure. Rather, it is her tutelage of the young and beautiful Estella whom she raises as an extension of her own bitter attitude toward men. Estella is openly encouraged to break men’s hearts as Miss Havisham’s own heart was broken when her wedding plans diminished so abruptly. Why would Dickens use such a character at the core of his novel? One could argue that Miss Havisham is a tool of Dickens’ then developing literary art and merely a vehicle to add a certain mystique and intrigue to the life of the novel’s hero. It also could be said, however, that the matriarchal figure of Miss Havisham as an anti-family figure merely asserts Dickens’ view of the importance of the family in life. Time has stopped for Miss Havisham both literally and figuratively. Without the hope and promise of a familial relationship, Miss Havisham remains a character of tragic consequence who can not achieve the fulfillment of her once cherished dream. Students should be encouraged to discuss the role of Miss Havisham in the novel. Such a discussion should lead students to a realization of the importance of familial love and caring and how these familial qualities can contribute to their own growth and maturation. Closely aligned but probably easier to understand than the spectre of Miss Havisham at the core of Great Expectations is the absence, for the most part, of the nuclear family in the novel. The only glimpses Dickens affords us are the highly comical Matthew Pockets and the Joe and Biddy relationship at the end of the novel. This revelation should be particularly realistic for our students since one parent families are very often the norm in an urban setting such as New Haven. A discussion of the term nuclear family should be introduced during the study of the novel. Students should be encouraged to discuss any advantages or disadvantages a member of a nuclear family might experience. Is a nuclear family really that important to its individual members? A writing assignment where each student remarks about the strengths of his own family will be suggested following this discussion. We can assume if we read the story of Dickens’ life that he had much respect for the family unit. Dickens was one of eight children and fathered ten himself. Dickens realized, however, through personal experience that the family unit may oftentimes become fragmented. Certainly, there are no clearer indications of this than in Great Expectations where Pip’s immediate family is the result of the death of his parents and the Magwitch-Molly union along with Estella is separated by tragic circumstances. These two families should be discussed in light of their importance in the novel. Any study which deals with eighth grade students reading literature that focuses upon the search for identity must necessarily concern itself with the students’ own future and careers. Several diverse professions are highlighted in Great Expectations that range from blue collar trades to white collar professionals. No clearer example of a blue collar occupation exists than in Joe Gargery’s station in life as a blacksmith. Joe labors at his forge daily creating and repairing implements which he has no cause to use himself. The more fortunate citizens who own horses come to Joe so that he may shoe their symbols of success. The landed property owners use Joe to repair farming implements. Even the soldiers from the prison ship need Joe to repair the manacles before they resume their search. Joe’s occupation is certainly important and useful in his society although he enjoys no special significance or lofty stature in the community. Joe labors daily in a tedious manner right at his home thus making his jaunts to the Jolly Bargemen all the more pleasurable. In contrast to Joe Gargery’s trade is the position of John Wemmick who serves as Jaggers’ clerk in the law office. Wemmick commutes to work each day, handles all the clerical duties in the office such as record keeping and screening Jaggers’ clients, and then returns home each evening to a charming abode which he lovingly calls his castle. Wemmick is able to make work and home life two very distinct experiences unlike Joe who toils in the same place he lives. Wemmick also enjoys a certain notoriety since clients and potential clients of Jaggers view him as a direct link to the prominent lawyer. While Joe works with his hands, Wemmick works with his mind. Each has his pleasures in life, and each is a major influence on Pip in the novel. Dickens takes the world of work one step further with his inclusion of Jaggers in Great Expectations. Jaggers is certainly the most successful character in the novel in terms of an occupation. He is a lawyer, a paid confidante and advisor, and a manipulator who can successfully defend seemingly guilty clients through cunning and guile. Dickens makes it quite clear that Jaggers performs no task without just compensation. Jaggers is a professional who can pick and choose his clients unlike Joe and Wemmick who are both subservient either to the public or to an employer. Jaggers’ only allegiance is to his clients or rather the fees his clients pay for the benefit of his judicial brilliance. In stark contrast to Joe and Wemmick, however, Jaggers has no family. His housekeeper, Molly, is a former client whom he saved from the gallows. Everything Jaggers does is job related. He is the consummate professional although he seemingly attains his stature at the expense of not having a private life—a tavern or a castle as a means of escape. Students will be asked to discuss their views on these three levels of work in relation to their somewhat yet unformed ideas of what careers they might explore. The advantages and disadvantages of each job will be weighed. We will examine the responsibilities each of the characters have to the public. Since the major thrust of the unit deals with questions of family, the impact each character’s occupation has upon his family or private life will be explored. Students will be encouraged to compare other occupations to the ones read about in the novel and to develop a working list of different job categories. In essence, this portion of the unit might exist as a launching pad for my students to experience career exploration and better equip them to make a more conscious choice of a high school to attend the following year. Charles Dickens’ great popularity on both sides of the Atlantic can be attributed in part to the form in which his work was generally presented to the reading public. Dickens released his novels and stories through serialization using English periodicals such as Bentley’s Miscellany, Household Words, and All the Year Round as vehicles. Since Dickens was a master storyteller, he knew how to intrigue his readers by ending each serialized segment at such a moment so as to leave them virtually breathless until the following publication of the periodical reached the sellers. Monetary profit was always a concern of Dickens, and he was thus able to gauge the popularity of his work in progress on a weekly basis. Another factor which contributed to Dickens’ popularity and wide readership was his periodic condescension to giving public readings of his published works in his later years. Once again Dickens’ goal of being commercially successful played an important role here as his financial solvency was a factor in every literary enterprise he undertook. Dickens would pack the theaters and halls to the rafters for these public presentations which would last some several hours. During these readings Dickens would read excerpted material from his writing and deliver it in such a way as to highlight his own dramatic personality as an accomplished thespian—a career he certainly could have made illustrious. The serialization of his novels and the subsequent public readings of them by Dickens prompt this unit to attempt an additional task. I intend to draw upon other notable masterpieces by Dickens to further highlight family relationships of nineteenth century England and the brilliance of his writing. These additional works from which I hope to take excerpts and read aloud to my students include the highly autobiographical David Copperfield, the endearing Oliver Twist, the socially conscious Bleak House, and the time-honored classic, A Christmas Carol, which will not only be read in its entirety but will be explored in comparison and contrast to Great Expectations. In addition to this complete reading of A Christmas Carol and various excerpts from the other novels, I plan to show various visual representations of Dickens’ work including the 1946 movie of Great Expectations. I firmly believe that this method of concentrating on one theme, familial relationships, provided by one author, Charles Dickens, through a reading of Great Expectations and excerpts from his other stories will provide a worthwhile experience for my students. The use of this unit will afford teachers the opportunity to introduce one of the world’s great literary artists to their students in a relevant way that should pique students’ interest and cause them to consider not only their family unit complete with benefits and problems but also their future as they prepare to take that very first step toward focusing upon their own identity.